Nia Bloggen

Ateeka Yoga Somatics – Web of life 28/11

Yoga Somatics – The Web of Life Exploring Continuity and Flow in the Fascial Web With Ateeka Connect and explore and RESTORE movement within your LIVING WEB of LIFE, the myofascial tissue (bindevet) … a continuum of soft tissue . .. floating in its own fluid . . . without beginning or end . . ….

Debbie Rosas kommer till Göteborg 5-6 okt!

Nia Master Class med Debbie Rosas den 5 oktober Join Nia co-founder Debbie Rosas in Sweden! Come share in the magic of Nia. This is a unique opportunity to experience the depth and exhilaration of Nia directly with the co-founder. The class is open to everyone! Nia is an exhilarating movement and lifestyle practice. As…

Nia Teknik Workshop Rörelseformerna 3/3

Nias Nio Ansikten, Nio Nyanser av Dig – En workshop i rörelseformerna Utveckla ditt kroppsspråk, din medvetenhet och sidor av dig själv som människa genom de rörelseformer som Nia är uppbyggt kring. Dessa olika rörelseformer ger helt olika perspektiv på rörelse. De berör och lockar fram olika känslor och uttryck. Vi smakar på Feldenkrais, Alexanderteknik,…

Calm the body – Calm the mind med Ateeka

Calm the body, calm the mind – Exploring mindfulness of movement and breathing This workshop is INSPIRED by the Anapanasati Sutra: the Buddha’s clear and simple instructions on Mindfulness of Breathing. Sensitive and open awareness of one’s own breathing-in and breathing-out is a key to calming the body and mind. This awareness communicates well-being and…